A collection of evidence, analysis and theories focusing on Ash and Dawn's relationship and why I absolutely adore them. Some more hinted towards romance, some not.
This collection is going to be divided in sections, with this first one being focused on Ash and Dawn's relationships and their canon anime and movie interactions. You can see the other sections in the links on the right sidebar.
DP Episodes

DP002 - Two Degrees Of Separation! Dawn got to meet Pikachu when he was being chased by Team Rocket and her first instinct was fighting them and saving the rat. She then took it to safety and promised herself to find its owner (even at the risk of losing her first contest).
The fact that Dawn would go such lenghts to help Pikachu meet Ash shows how much she respects a trainer-pokemon bond. Similarly to Ash.
The fact that Dawn would go such lenghts to help Pikachu meet Ash shows how much she respects a trainer-pokemon bond. Similarly to Ash.
DP003 - When Pokémon Worlds Collide! When Pikachu is once again taken by Team Rocket, Dawn does her best to protect it. Once again proof of how much she cares for Pokemon. Ash even thanks her for that later in the same episode, aknowledging how much that act meant for him.

DP004 - Dawn Of A New Era! They butt heads in this episode, disagreeing wheter contests or gym battles are better. They're both stubborn and hold their goals as important so none of them backs down until later in the episode, when their love for pokemon brings their fight to a halt. They both then apologize for fighting and share about their encounters with Mesprit and Ho-oh.
DP007 - Like It Or Lup It! When training her appeals with Piplup, Ash (along Brock) support Dawn in her training.

DP009 - Setting The World On Its Buneary! Ash encourages Dawn to catch Buneary but with him also showing interest in it, Dawn suggests for him to also try and catch it. And when she ultimately gets it, no hard feeling seemed to exist between them for that {very different from how Ash would get sad over Misty getting Togepi and the same would get angry over Ash getting Tododile}.
DP011 - Mounting A Coordinator Assault! Is Dawn's very first contest! And when she suggested for Ash to participate in it (for Aipom's sake), he took on the suggestion. And when she was late for her appeal, he was the one to go look for her.
And after his own appeal showcase, they shared their first high five. No mention about it, just a thing they did naturally as a good luck charm.
And after his own appeal showcase, they shared their first high five. No mention about it, just a thing they did naturally as a good luck charm.

DP016 to 18 - A Gruff Act To Follow! to O'er The Rampardos We Watched! When Ash failed to win his battle against Roark, Dawn suggested that he used her Piplup. He rejected, but in a much mellowed way than he did with Misty in his battle against Brock. Later Ash would ask Dawn to teach him the spinning techniques she created, and from then on they would train together constantly. Something unnusual for Ash to do with even friends from other seasons.
During Ash's rematch with Roark, Dawn wore a cheerleader outfit and cheered for Ash alongside her pokemon, something she would do everytime he had a gym rematch. A showcase of how much she supports him.
During Ash's rematch with Roark, Dawn wore a cheerleader outfit and cheered for Ash alongside her pokemon, something she would do everytime he had a gym rematch. A showcase of how much she supports him.
DP019 - Twice Smitten, Once Shy! When Dawn is saddened byt the prospect of taking care of Pachirisu, who she can't control, she considers releasing it and Ash supports her, saying it will work out in the end.

DP026 - Getting The Pre-Contest Titters! While neither Ash nor Dawn seem to notice, Kenny is obviously jealous of Ash and the fact Dawn is traveling with him instead. Specially when she refers to Ash's battling as "cool".
DP029 - The Champ Twins! They have have a disagreement here again, when they try to have a tag battle together but don't seem to sync right away. But once again, they are brought together by Pokemon, apologizing to eachother after Turtwig and Piplup start a fight. And after talking their issues out and strategizing together (the thing that bonds them the most, training), they are able to battle in sync in the rematch.

More will be added once I find the time to rewatch DP!

Character Name: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. integer nec odio. praesent libero. sed cursus ante dapibus diam. sed nisi. nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. duis sagittis ipsum. praesent mauris. fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. mauris massa. vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla.
Character Name: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. integer nec odio. praesent libero. sed cursus ante dapibus diam. sed nisi. nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. duis sagittis ipsum. praesent mauris. fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. mauris massa. vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla.

Character Name: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. integer nec odio. praesent libero. sed cursus ante dapibus diam. sed nisi. nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. duis sagittis ipsum. praesent mauris. fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. mauris massa. vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla.