Collection of mentions from Ash and hints related to Dawn, as well anything that can be traced back to their relationship in seasons post DP, songs, comics or anything of the kind.
Other hints include mentions to her pokemon or more metaphorical hints. We will have a look at those here.
✦ XY022 - Going for the Gold! When they visit an aquarium, they are met with a group of Piplup and one comes close to the group. After Serena and Bonnie mention how cute the species is, Ash mentions something like "the one I met was not that sweet". And by that point the only Piplup he met that fit that description was Dawn's.
It's also funny to notice that in all of XY, this is the only reference we have to a character from past seasons other than Professor Oak and Delia at the very end.
✦ JN048- A Close Call... Practically! The Fake Pikachu Team Rocket builds this episode is pretty much a perfect copy of Ash's, except for the fact that instead of saying "Pikachu" it says "Hikachu... And like, cmon, how can I not read too much into that?? Specially with Dawn's jap nickname being Pikari? They're one and the same, Ash's number one partner!
Also known in the fandom as the Pearlshipping anthem. High Touch is second japanese opening for the Diamond & Pearl series and is credited as being sung by Ash and Dawn themselves, as the ones who sing this opening are no one other that Matsumoto Rica and Toyoguchi Megumi.
Below, I will transcribe and translate the song lyrics and then we will analise its meanings.
旅はみちづれ 世はなさけ
うまくいったら ハイタッチ!
ねらいさだめ バブルこうせん!
きあいこめて 10まんボルト!
うまくいったら ハイタッチ!
腕をのばし ハイタッチ!
きょうも あしたも あさっても
きたへ みなみへ にしひがし
空のしたで ハイタッチ!
うまくいったら ハイタッチ!
うまくいったね ハイタッチ!
If it all goes well, let's high five!
It all went well, so let's high five!
Extending our arms, let's high five!
Through today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow
Underneath the sky, let's high five!
If it all goes well, let's high five!
It all went well, so let's high five!Lyrics
けんか なかなおり またけんか
言いたいこと いっぱいあるけど
「いてくれて ありがとう!」
「いてくれて うれしい!」
見あげる太陽 なんだかまぶしくて
へこんじゃっても もとどおり!
あきらめるのは 早いぜ!
たよりになる ポッチャマだけど
はずれちゃって めっちゃピンチ!
おれのじまん ピカチュウだけど
思ったとおりに わざも決まりだす!
きょうの勝利は 忘れない!
どんなピンチも 逃げてく!
笑顔いっぱい こころづよい!
つよいあいても ウェルカム!
旅は ずっとつづいてくけど
すぐそばに その笑顔!
景色くるくる 変わるけど
<いつも その笑顔!
ひろがる荒野に 道がまっすぐに
ことばよりも わかりやすい!
夢にむかって とべるぜ!
へこんじゃっても もとどおり!
あきらめるのは 早いぜ!
バトルあいてと ハンドシェイク!
もっと遠くに いけるぜ!
GO GO GO! GO GO GO!We fight, make up, and then we fight again
There are a lot of things I want to say to you
But foremost...
"Thanks for being here for me!"
Companions in this journey, compassion in the world
I pretend to understand those things, but
The truth is...
"I'm happy you're here for me!"
Nice Partner!
Nice Rival!
I'll push you forward
I'll pull you along
The sun seems so dazzling when I look up at it
If we're feeling down, we'll come right back!
As long as we are together
I will not give up so easily!
Take aim with Bubble Beam!
I've come to rely on Pochama, but
I'll find myself in a mega pinch!
I let out a cry of "100,000 Volts!"
Pikachu is my pride and joy, but
To put it simply...
That doesn't mean I'll win!
Nice Partner!
Nice Rival!
We may argue
But as long as we follow each other
I think we'll find a way to compromise!
I won't ever forget today's victory!
As long as we're together
We'll escape from any kind of pinch!
Smiling this much is so heartwarming!
As long as we're together
Strong opponents are also welcome!
This journey goes forever on, but
Your smile is with me!
To the north, to the south, east and west
The scenery goes on changing, but
No matter where I go...
Your smile is always there!
Nice Partner!
Nice Rival!
Protecting me
Saving me
Our road goes on through and ever expanding wasteland
We can understand that more easily than words!
As long as we're together
We can fly away, facing our dreams!
If we're feeling down, we'll come right back!
As long as we're together
I will not give up so easily!
Shake hands with our opponent in battle
As long as we're together
We can go even further than before!
Things about this song relevant to pearlshipping: How often they talk about how they understand one another, to the point of not even needing words, just high fiving one another ♥
How they fight but always make up at the end. How they are always supporting one another and how being together make them more confident in their dreams.
But in special, verses like
There are a lot of things I want to say to youcould imply something more than just friendship.No matter where I go...
Your smile is always there!This journey goes forever on, but
Always... Your smile is with me!
Lastly, is interesting to note that the lyrics for this song were written by Akihito Toda, who also wrote a lot of the older OPs and EDs of the anime, with Mezase Pokemon Master, Ok!, Spurt and Type:Wild being worth mention, as those are very iconic songs from Ash's POV.
For Dawn to get a song shared with Ash, written by the "Ash POV song writer" while no other character had that honour? That's amazing on its own.
Dawn's theme song and the first ending of DPani. At first sung by Grin, it was later re-recorded with Toyoguchi Megumi singing in-character.
君となら Yeah!!
みんなで Yeah!!
たくさんの夢と たくさんの思い
君となら Yeah!!
みんなで Yeah!!
君となら Yeah!!
みんなで Yeah!!
If I'm with you, Yeah!!
With everyone, Yeah!!
All my dreams and all my feelings
If I'm with you, Yeah!!
With everyone, Yeah!!
If I'm with you, Yeah!!
With everyone, Yeah!!Lyrics
ピンクに輝く 自慢のポケッチ
迷った時には コイントスをして
いつでもまっすぐ 前を見つめてる
強くなれる 君のそばで 力になれる
信じる勇気あれば GO GO GO!!
一緒に Step!!
大きく Jump!!
どんな山も どんな谷も こわくないさ
一緒に Step!!
明日へ Jump!!
走り出そう 風に乗って
もっと 強く!!
この胸の中 抱きしめてる 旅は続いてく
途切れた迷路に 立ち尽くす時だって
信じる仲間いれば GO GO GO!!
一緒に Step!!
大きく Jump!!
どんな痛みも どんな辛さも 大丈夫さ
一緒に Step!!
明日へ Jump!!
たどりつけるさ 一歩ずつ
前をみつめ 歩いてゆく
一緒に Step!!
大きく Jump!!
どんな山も どんな谷も こわくないさ
一緒に Step!!
明日へ Jump!!
走り出そう わたしたちは
もう迷わない!!My proud Pokétch shines in a pink light
When you're lost, just use Coin Toss
I'm always looking straight ahead
I'll become stronger, by your side, We'll grow together
Rather than say "Do your best"
I want to tell you "No need to worry"
If we have the courage to believe in ourselves, then, GO GO GO!!
Together we'll Step!!
With a big Jump!!
We can conquer them
All the mountains, every valley, without any fear
Together let's Step!!
To tomorrow now Jump!!
I want to feel the moment right now
Let's run, jump and ride on the wind
And get stronger!
I hold them close to my heart as I continue my journey
Even in the maze where I'm standing, exhausted
If we just believe in our friends, then, GO GO GO!!
Together we'll Step!!
With a big Jump!!
We can get over them
All the pains, all the harsh moments, it's okay
Together let's Step!!
To tomorrow now Jump!!
We can do it with just a step
Look straight ahead, start walking
And get stronger
Together we'll Step!!
With a big Jump!!
We can conquer them
All the mountains, every valley, without any fear
Together let's Step!!
To tomorrow now Jump!!
I want to feel the moment right now
Let's start running, because we
Aren't lost anymore!!
Again, like High Touch, this one talks about how "as long they're together, things will be fine". In this one, as Dawn theme song, is likely that the "one" Dawn talks about in here is just Piplup or any of her partner pokemon.
However, themes from this song will be repeated in some songs post DP and that's where things get interesting.
DPani's 2nd ending. Not sung by any character from the anime, but that doesn't mean that we can't over analyse it too!
元気ですか? 仲間はどう?
夢はいつか 叶うけれど
スネの傷跡 悲しい記憶
走れ 走れ
覚えてますか? あのメロディ
泣きたいときは 泣いたらいい
生きること それは戦いだから
進め 進め
小さな胸 植えた勇気のタネ
もっと もっと
走れ 走れ
Are you well? How are your friends?
Our dreams will someday come true
A scar on your shin, sad memories
Run, run
Do you remember that melody?
When you want to cry, you can cry
Fighting is the proof of life
Go on, go on
The seed of courage planted in my small heart
I'll become
Run, runLyrics
もっと もっと
誓った約束 いまも
この胸で ずうっと まぶしいよ
風のにおい 空の色
でも待ってる だけじゃだめ
自分でつかんで いくもんだよ
全力で駆けたら 消えていくね
きっと きっと
そんなもの いらないさ
夢のつぼみ ほら、覗いてる
調子はずれで ちょっと音痴で
涙の跡 冷たいけど
温かい風 きっと吹くから
励まし 乗り越え サバイバル・バトル♪
起こせ 起こせ
さきどり てっぺき 完璧!!
夢のつぼみ ほら、笑ってる
どんな雨や 風にも負けない
大きな空 伸びてどこまでも
高く高く 雲を越えてゆく そうさ
そんなもの いらないさ
夢のつぼみ ほら、覗いてるI'll become
Stronger and stronger
So the promise I made, even now
Is always dazzling in my heart
The smell of the wind, the color of the sky
Are they the same?
But we can't just wait for them
You have to grab them for yourself!
If you run at full throttle, they'll all disappear!
Surely, surely
I'll never lose
Magical spells...
There's no need for things like that!
Faster than the wind
On this road ahead
Look, the buds of our dreams are peeking out
The pitch is off, and the tone's a little flat
But it sure is nostalgic
The trails left by tears are cold
But I'm sure a warm wind will blow
So be stimulated, overpass the survival battle♪
Bring about, bring about
The earth's power
The moon's twinkle
Moves first and our Iron Defense is perfect!!
Face to the future
On this road ahead
Look, the buds of our dreams are laughing
No matter what rain or wind, it will persevere
The great sky stretches on forever
We'll fly far, far over the clouds... that's right...
Stronger and stronger
Magical spells...
There's no need for things like that!
Faster than the wind
On this road ahead
Look, the buds of our dreams are peeking out
Once again a song mostly focused on never giving up on your dreams.
However the verse
Are you well? How are your friends?Can be read as Dawn wondering about Ash's journey without her around. Even more than that, the song Best Wishes has a verse that seems to almost reply to this one, going "I'm not alone, I have my friends, so I'll be all right!".
The smell of the wind, the color of the sky
Are they the same?
At first assumed to be a Piplup song, the 3rd ending of DPani later got a cover sung by Toyoguchi Megumi, Hikari/Dawn herself. Taking that into account we can assume that the song is about her too to an extent.
シュンシュン シュルルン 夕焼けに
なんでも きみとは はんぶんこ
やつぱり一番 だいすきさ
キュンキュン キュルルン いいにおい
シュンシュン シュルルン 流れ星
Heading back home after we fought
Whistle, whistleistle, in the sunset
I'll split everything in half with you
I really like you more than anyone else
Squeeze, squeeueeze, what a nice smell
Whistle, whistleistle, a shooting starLyrics
シュンシュン シュルルン ションボリン
シュンシュン シュルルン ションボリン
あしたはきっと いい天気 いい天気
プンスカしていた はずなのに
やっぱい ひとりは つまんない
シュンシュン シュルルン 北風が
きょうはなんだか 冷たいよ 冷たいよ
だいすき おやつも はんぶんこ
きょうは たのしさも はんぶんこ
グングン ハシルン 家あかり
ほら もうすぐさ
シュンシュン シュルルン なかなおり
あしたごめんね 言おうかな
言えるかなWhistle, whistleistle, I'm feeling sad
I need to cheer up
Whistle, whistleistle, I'm feeling sad
Surely we'll have good weather tomorrow
I hit you, but even so
It's really boring being alone
So bored...
I said goodbye
Whistle, whistleistle, the north wind
Somehow, it feels a bit cold today
I'll even split the snacks I love with you
I'll even split all my fun with you
In half with you...
You give me the courage... to say "Good morning!"
Will I be able to say it?
I'm hungry
Steadily, I run towards the light of the house
Look, it won't be long
I've found you
Whistling, Whistling, we make up
Should I apologize tomorrow
Should I say it
While the song talks about how someone wants to apologize to someone else, is interesting how certain phrases like "Will I be able to say it?" and Should I say it?", specially after the phrase "I really like you more than anyone else" give it a more romantic tone. I wonder, what is thing Dawn wants to say so badly. To someone she shares everything with?
Lastly, we have this verse:
Whistle, whistleistle, in the sunsetwhich is extra special cause Dawn and Ash's goodbye in DP191 happens during a sunset.
I said goodbye
Whistle, whistleistle, the north wind
Somehow, it feels a bit cold today
With a title that means "in your heart!", for an ending marking the last 10 episodes of DP, this song is very bittersweet.
君が溢れて来る 風が通る草の道
何もかもひとりじゃさ 上手くはね行かないけど
僕の胸に La La La 届いて来る La La La
生まれてからいつも 誰かに守られてきた
時間はさ 一秒も巻き戻しできないから
君の胸に La La La 夢を描け La La La
La La La La La La La La La
You're overflowing; the wind passes through a grass path
No matter what it is, it doesn't go well alone
To my heart, La La La, it has arrived, La La La
There will always be someone who would protect from the time of one's birth
Time cannot flow backward, not even by a second
In your heart, La La La, sketch a dream, La La La
La La La La La La La La LaLyrics
君の胸に La La La 夢を描け La La La
心から願えば きっと叶うから
同じ空に La La La 聴こえて来る La La La
響き合うMelody 勇気の鐘鳴らすだろう
陽炎揺れるその向こう 眩しい笑顔そのままかな・・・
少しずつ一歩ずつ GO SHINE 進もう
挫けた時には 聴こえるその声
同じ時を La La La 歩んでゆく La La La
いつまでも僕ら ずうっとスペシャルな仲間さ
そしていつか胸の中 譲れない夢 芽生えたね
振り向かず恐れずに GO SMILE 掴もう
誰より頑張る 君が好きだから
光る朝に La La La 風に乗って La La La
伝え合う思い きっと奇跡を起こすだろう
La La La La La La La La La
心から願えば きっと叶うから
La La La La La La La La La
La La La La La La La La La
響き合うMelody 勇気の鐘鳴らすだろうIn your heart, La La La, sketch a dream, La La La
If you wish from your heart, I'm sure it'll be granted
In the same sky, La La La, I can hear it, La La La
The resonating melody; the bell of courage is ringing
On the other side of the swaying heat haze, your dazzling smile, just like that...
But little by little, step by step, go shine, let's continue on
That voice I hear when I'm crushed
The same moments, La La La, are walking along, La La La
We'll always, always be special friends
Then, the dream held on in one's heart would sprout someday
Do not look back, do not be afraid, go smile, grab on to it
I like you because you worked harder than anyone else
In the radiant morning, La La La, riding the wind, La La La
When we convey our feelings, a miracle will definitely happen
La La La La La La La La La
If you wish from your heart, I'm sure it'll be granted
La La La La La La La La La
La La La La La La La La La
The resonating melody; the bell of courage is ringing
Talking about a dream just barely out of reach, about how time doesn't stop for no one and about "feelings untold".
We'll always, always be special friendsAnd how the phrase "I like you because you worked harder than anyone else" could be a direct hint towards Ash, known for his shonen protagonist's optimism and stubborness. And how that's a thought Dawn herself has in some episodes of DP (remarkably 075 - Our Cup Runneth Over!).I like you because you worked harder than anyone else
When we convey our feelings, a miracle will definitely happen
This song also seem to have some indirect references to Dawn. With mentions of a shining, radiant person (Hikari means light in japanese). But ignoring the puns, it could also be about Ash and his too bright personality.
Ok, so this one is not a song made for pokemon, but rather a cover. And yet. For pokemon to go and deliberately pick a romantic song for the ending of the 11th movie (when that rarely happened before and after DP)? Interesting.
Leave and let me go
Someone else will keep you warm from now on
I will be with you
Leave and let me go
Nothing ever looks the same in the light
I will be with you
Leave and let me goLyrics
Leave and let me go
You're not meant for me, I know
Carry on, carry on, and I'll stay strong
I will think of you, I know
But carry on, carry on, and I'll stay strong
Someone else will keep you safe from the storm
But I'll be with you wherever you go
So you will never be alone
I'm going where the wind blows
Going where the lost ones go
I'm losing the love I found
Crying without a sound
Where have you gone?
I will be with you
You were my fool for love
Sent me from high above
You were the one
I will be with you
I'm going where the wind blows
Going where the lost ones go
Don't look back just let me know
You'll carry on, carry on, you must stay strong
Nothing ever seems to quite turn out right
When you realize that you have been loved
You will never be alone
I'm going where the wind blows
Going where the lost ones go
I'm losing the love I found
Crying without a sound
Where have you gone?
I will be with you
You were my fool for love
Sent me from high above
You were the one
I will be with you
I'm going where the wind blows
Going where the lost ones go
Baby I can't come along
So carry on, carry on, you must stay strong
And once again, this song focuses on talking about parting ways with a loved one, about missing a loved one, about keeping going despite not being together. Are you seeing a theme??
Movie 12 ending song. And funnily enough, another very heavily romantic song.
You are the one
You are the one
You are the one
You are the one
Surely, I expect to see you tomorrow
You are the one
Thousands of flower petals
You are the oneLyrics
風よ どうか連れてかないで
ah 時の彼方へ
陽炎の中 未来はまだ見えない
ただ伝えたい ありがとう my one
ah 夢の彼方へ
降りそそいで 私たちに uh
ただ伝えたい ありがとう my oneI see you chatting away with friends
Wind, please don't take him away
Ah, to somewhere beyond time
I can't see the future within the mirage yet
As we will become adults, where will we end up?
As an irreplaceable friend
And someone more than that
You gently give me the strength to move forward
For that, I love you
With a feeling that will never change
With this heart that never lies
I just want to tell you, "Thank you, my one"
I travel in times believing so
Ah, to somewhere beyond dreams
I don't understand the word called "destiny" yet
I'm hesitating a little because you are so radiant
The shapeless promise
And the memory greater than that
I can still believe in them
Even at night when we are far away
With a feeling that makes up nothing
With this heart that is always stronger
I just want to stay like this, crying the same tears
Come pouring down on us, ooh
As an irreplaceable friend
And someone more than that
You gently give me the strength to move forward
For that, I love you
With a feeling that will never change
With this heart that never lies
I just want to tell you, "Thank you, my one"
And once again focused on the theme of separation, of wanting to be together but time coming in the way.
With excerpts such as
You are the onetaking the friendship already known in the previous songs and making it into more.
As an irreplaceable friend
And someone more than that
You gently give me the strength to move forward
For that, I love you
Another thing of note in this song is this verse:
Thousands of flower petalsand how that directly parallels this iconic scene!
Come pouring down on us, ooh

Another very romantic-y song. However, I feel like this one connects the less with the movie13 (and Ash and Dawn relationship) than the previous movies.
あなたの前髪 ふわり風に舞って
私の内側 複雑な回路で
心のアンテナ いま共振してる
Shall we ride the boat crossing the meadow?
Inside of me, amongst a complex circuit
Now, the antenna of my heart is resonating
I want to ride the boat crossing the meadow
Let's ride the boat crossing the meadowLyrics
屋上で二人 沈む街を見てた
瞬間見とれる 空気と踊ってた
沈黙を破り つぶやくあなた
灰色の日常 もやもや迷ってた
科学や数学 縛るもの捨て
風切って進め 生きてる証したち
凛々しい横顔 うっとり頷いた
私たち乗せてふくらむ白い帆がA spring snapped, and the future stood still
On the rooftop, the two of us looked at the sinking town
Your bangs lightly fluttered in the wind
Fascinated by the moment, I danced with the air
You mutter, breaking the silence
We can see the boat crossing the meadow, right?
The swelling white sail that takes us on board
My ashen daily life was gloomily at a loss
Could this possibly be what is called "love"?
Cast aside science and math, the things that restrict
With the mast of the boat crossing the meadow
Cut through the wind and go forward, all the proof of living
Spellbound, your dignified face in profile nodded
We can see the boat crossing the meadow
The swelling white sail that takes us on board
Despite this song's lack of connection with Ash and Dawn as the others, the verse "Now, the antenna of my heart is resonating // Could this possibly be what is called 'love'?" is very nice in how it portrays both Ash and Dawn's denseness with the subject.
My favorite song that I like to read too much into ♥
Ending song for the final movie from the DP era. Pretty much a goodbye to the gen 4 anime and fittingly so, it also feels like a bitterweet goodbye to Dawn and pearlshipping.
せっかく用意したムードも 茶化されて終わってしまうんだよ
太陽は暑く照っている Tシャツが汗ばんでいる
逃げ込んで入ったコンビニ 懐かしいコミックを購入
もう何年演じているんだろう 親友としてのキャスティング
相談しやすいっていうけど いつも君の恋愛トーク
この目の奥に映っている笑顔を 僕だけのモノにしたいんだ
遥か空へ 夏が飛んでいく
陽炎の中で立っている 不器用なだけのボンクラ
友情って名前のシンドローム 出口のない永久迷路
食べようとしていたはずのアイスクリーム ベタベタに溶けていたんだ
今 会いたい すぐにでも
あぁ そう、ファインダーを覗いたら
Even the mood that gets set up with such pains gets poked fun at and is brought to an end
The sun shines scorchingly, my T-shirt is drenched in sweat
I ran into a convenience store to escape and bought a nostalgic comic book
We've been acting it out for so many years, casted as best friends
You say it's easy to discuss but you're always talking about your love life
I want the smile reflected deep in my eyes to only belong to me
If I softly peek into the viewfinder
The summer is flying away to the distant sky
I'm just a blockhead standing awkwardly amidst the heat haze
The syndrome called "friendship" is a perpetual labyrinth without exit
The ice cream that I had meant to eat has melted all over
Though I want to encounter it right now
Ah, yes, if I look through the viewfinderLyrics
係はいたってフラットだ 何でも話せるくらいかな
付き合いは長いが 何も変わらないよな
打ち明けられないまま カッコもつかないまま
ジメッとした僕みたい いつまでも乾かないや
君がいればどうかな 一緒に笑えるかな
距離感はいいんだが でも本音を言えばツライや
微妙な心の中 バレないようにして
季節がもう 過ぎていく
ぼやけている世界でも 君だけは歪まないや
動くのも怖いから 踏み出せないでいる
君とならどんな一瞬だって煌めいてみえるOur relationship is a casual one to the point that we can talk about anything
We've been together a long time, but nothing's changed, has it?
I can't speak my mind, I can't add parentheses
It's like I'm all damp, I'll never get dry
How would it be if you were here? Would you laugh with me?
The distant feeling is okay but it would be tough if I could say my true intents
I keep it inside my delicate heart to not be found out
For whatever reason, it won't be burned in there
It seems like you're even further and further away than I imagined
Someday you'll disappear with someone
If I look up, there's a jet plane tearing the blue sky in half
The seasons are already passing by
Even in this blurred world, only you remain without distortion
It's frightening even to move so I can't take a step forward
Destiny doesn't wait
Maybe I'll try calling it out with an unusually serious voice
If I had taken it away like that
I might already be able to vigorously convey the feelings I hold
I hope that you look close enough that I could reach my hands to you
If happiness increases, it's not a big deal
When I'm with you, no matter when, you always seem to sparkle
From the "Our relationship is a casual one to the point that we can talk about anything // We've been together a long time, but nothing's changed, has it?" verse and how that ties in perfectly with the themes of High Touch.
With the "How would it be if you were here? Would you laugh with me?" and "It seems like you're even further and further away than I imagined // Someday you'll disappear with someone" tying in with the previous themes of separation and still caring for one another.
The verses "We've been acting it out for so many years, casted as best friends and "The syndrome called "friendship" is a perpetual labyrinth without exit" once again talking about a friendship that wants to be more than that.
How "I want the smile reflected deep in my eyes to only belong to me" makes a direct reference to "Always... // Your smile is with me! and "No matter where I go... // Your smile is always there!".
And at the end of the song, a mention of how the person of interest seems to "sparkle". As if made of light.
And we didn't even mentioned the title of the song! Ice cream syndrome. Like the Ice cream Ash and Dawn shared all the way back in DP064.
BW first opening. And this song seems to be a direct narration of Ash's feelings in Unova. A new place, with new people, filled with new adventures.
耳をすませば なつかしい声
Yeah‐he‐he‐hey 歩き出そう!
風よ運んで おれのこの声
Yeah‐he‐he‐hey 歩き出そう!
Keep this between us;
A calm morning
It's pretty pitiful to say
If I listen closely, I hear a nostalgic voice
Yeah-he-he-hey, let's start walking!
An endless road
This is frequently said
Wind, carry my voice
Yeah-he-he-hey, let's start walking!Lyrics
はじめての風のにおい mm...
クシャクシャになるころ おれたち
ねぇ どこまで進んでるかな?
でも 楽しみは数えきれない!
おだやかな時の流れ mm...
行く手をふさがれた おれたち
もう どうすりゃいいのさ?
でも 戻るとか考えられない!
「きみは だいじょうぶ!
なぜか だいじょうぶ!
みんな だいじょうぶ!」
Yeah‐he‐he‐hey 走っちゃおうか?
ドキドキは すぐに
いてもたっても いられないぜ!
終わらない出会いの旅 mm...
気づいているのかな おれたち
そう 友だちのはじまり!
でも すぐホントの笑顔でいっぱい!
「おれは だいじょうぶ!
めっちゃ だいじょうぶ!
1人じゃないから 仲間がいるから だいじょうぶ!」
Yeah‐he‐he‐hey 走っちゃおうか?
Yeah‐he‐he‐hey めざすものは
Yeah‐he‐he‐hey ずっと輝く!
ドキドキは すぐに
いてもたっても いられないぜ!At a place for the first time
The smell of the wind for the first time, mm...
But what isn't for the first time
Is this throbbing of my heart!
When this brand-new map
Gets all crumpled
Hey, I wonder how far we should go?
I have one or two or three worries
But there are countless things I'm looking forward to!
The calm flow of time, mm...
But what isn't calm
Is what comes right after this!
When our path has been cut off
By some unexpected trouble
Well, now what should we do?
My knees are shaking, I'm dripping with sweat
But no way am I thinking of going back!
A voice from the future
It's always praying for me
"You'll be all right!
Somehow it'll be all right!
Everyone will be all right!"
Yeah-he-he-hey, should we run?
The throbbing of my heart instantly changes
To an itching desire!
There's just no way I can calm down!
A journey of endless encounters, mm...
But what I want to have end
Is this flurrying anxiety!
Even so, I wonder
If we've somehow realized
That's right, it's the beginning of a friendship!
At first was a forced smile somewhere......
But soon it will be full of genuine smiles!
Carry my feelings
To that person in a distant town
"I'll be all right!
I'll be totally all right!
I'm not alone, I have my friends, so I'll be all right!
Yeah-he-he-hey, should we run?
Yeah-he-he-hey, what we're aiming for
Yeah-he-he-hey, is always shining!
The throbbing of my heart instantly changes
To a pounding excitement!
There's just no way I can calm down!
It's interesting how this song is the first Opening post DP and includes the following excerpt:
"If I listen closely, I hear a nostalgic voiceA mention to a voice from the past (Dawn in DP) and from the future (her cameos both in BW and JN) that repeats "daijobu, daijobu, daijobu" (Dawn's catchphrase).
A voice from the future
It's always praying for me
"You'll be all right!
Somehow it'll be all right!
Everyone will be all right!"
And then afterwards we get the following:
Wind, carry my voiceIs interesting to notice how he mentions a distant town. Sure this is more likely a mention to Pallet town, but is interesting to remember that Dawn is one of the only people in pokeani that also lives in a town. Twinleaf Town (which is also very distant from both where Ash would be in Unova, but also from his own hometown).
Carry my feelings
To that person in a distant town
"I'll be all right!
I'll be totally all right!
I'm not alone, I have my friends, so I'll be all right!
Lastly, this song just like High Touch! was written by Akihito Toda, so we can say with some certainity that the use of Dawn's catchphrase here was not coincidental.
Now this one. Movie20 ending song. This one is my favorite.
共に歩こう キミがさびしい日は
ずっと さがし続けてゆくよ
旅をつづけよう 明日も
共に走ろう この広い世界を
もっと 強くなれた時には
乗りこえてゆこう 夜を
Let's walk together, even on your lonely days
Let's always continue to seek out
Our journey continues on, even onto the future
Let's run together in this wide world
When we've grown even stronger
Let's traverse the world and laugh it out
Whatever happens aheadLyrics
共に歩こう 前を見つめたまま
声にならない日は 肩をくもう
すこし 遠回りもして そう
ボクはね キミの笑顔が
やっぱり いちばん 好きなんだ
いくつもの出逢いが 待っている
誰かの 弱ささえ 抱きしめることできるよ ねぇ
何度目のおはようかも 忘れてボクたち笑うんだ
いっしょに見上げる虹がいいLet's walk together as we gaze ahead
Just let me hear your voice again
When you find yourself unable to speak out, just wrap your hands around my shoulders
Our hearts are racing in excitement
Even when we're making a little detour, right?
Of course, I find your smile
To be my favorite of them all
Untold encounters still await us
We can even embrace anyone's weakness, right?
Perhaps forgetting those morning greetings at night
It's not motivating to be alone
It's good to achieve our dreams together
It's good to watch the rainbow together
First there is the fact this is a lyrics version of Oracion, a song originally created for the 1st DP movie. So we already have some connection with Dawn from the get-go.
But then you look at the lyrics and get things like the verse "kimi no egao yappari ichiban sukinanda" being almost indentical to the verse "yappari ichiban daisuki sa" from Ashita wa kitto.
The verse "Motto tsuyoku naretta toki ni wa" sounding almost like a reply to the "motto motto tsuyoku naru kara" from Kaze no message.
How the running and smile and dreams, that voice from the past/future, are all themes that make a comeback in this ending. Something consistently used in the DP endings as well. Even if this song is not about Ash and Dawn, it sure make lots of references to the DP series.
Insert songs
While those don't make a direct reference to Ash and Dawn's relationship, I find very interesting how Dawn is the only character in the entirety of the anime to have songs previously associated with Ash be used in moments important for her.For instance, the opening song Ready Go! (which notoriously has Daijobu as part of its lyrics) was used as an insert song during DP027, coincidentally the same episode in which Dawn got her first ribbon!
May be, May not
Other than the songs mentioned above, is worth mentioning that other songs post DP also share wording that seem to make reference to Dawn, but I'll be objective and say that those are coincidences and are more related to the fact that after DP, Pokeani started hiring third part musicians more often and usually those musicians just tended to lean more into romantic music and that affected the final product.But if you wanna have fun and not be objective at all and read too much into stuff with me, here we go!
Disclaimer: For those I'll not be including the full lyrics, only the parts I think are more releveant, but I'll be linking articles on each song with translations so you can take your own conclusion.
✦ BW song - Yajirushi ni Natte!
Lyrics + translation on Bulbapedia
Second OP from BW and while the lyrics for this one are not really that special, is interesting that the actual animation sequence for this one makes reference to Dawn!
In the sequence "だけど出会いがいつでも 光をくれる" (But meetings will always bring light!), the anime features Dawn and Piplup jumping into the scene.
I specially like this cause it pretty much confirms that if we get the world hikari in the anime songs, I can trace it back to the character Hikari, since the anime itself already did that once >:3c
✦ BW song - Natsumeku Sakamichi
Lyrics + translation on Bulbapedia
The final song for the BW season. And it's once again one of those songs that feels just too romantic for Pokemon, but hey, maybe they were hinting at AshXIris, I'm not scrapping that idea. But I would like to emphasize the constant use of "そばにいるから" (Because I'll be by your side) in the chorus and how that connects beautifully to Dawn's theme song Kimi no soba de (By your side).
✦ BW song - Sora / Koe
Lyrics + translation of Koe
Sora version of this song doesn't really make much reference to SatoHika if I'm being honest, but I like how both songs are about this person from the past that the singer misses and how at the end of Koe, we get the line "君と優しさと // 光あるかぎり", which translates to "As long as there's you and kindness // As long as there's light".
And I know I'm picking at straws here, but remember Yajirushi ni Natte? Remember how that used the word light and made it about Hikari? So I can do the same here~
✦ BW song - Memories
Lyrics + translation
Another overly romantic song and I can twist to be about Dawn because once again it focuses on talking about someone from the past (1); talks about someone's smile, like High Touch and many other songs from DP loved to do (2); and ends with a "Daijobu" at the end (3)!
✦ BW song - Egao
Lyrics + translation
There's another Hikari name drop here, "いつだって一番のひかり" (You're always a shining beacon in my life), more remiscing the past, more mentions of one's smile and another kimi no soba de expression usage "いつも君のそばにいるから" (because I'm always by your side).
✦ XY song - Tweedia
Lyrics + Translation
Being completely honest, this song is more likely about Serena and Ash's relationship and how she discovered a goal of herself because of him. But the excerpt
When painful moments and bitter memories overlapMakes me think of that scene from Movie11...
They look like petals and make me laugh
✦ XY song - Posuto ni Koe o Nageirete
Lyrics + translation
This one is very romantic and is totally about Volcanion and Magearna's relationship, I know that!!
BUT! The little bit at the beggining that talks about how they always fight and make up, with the exact same wording as the ones Dawn uses in High Touch!
HT: Kenka mata naori mata kenkaAnd how the excerpt "The adventure begins as the two of us link // La la la, our open palms connecting" could even be a reference to Ash and Dawn's high fives and that gets me yknow.PKN: Kenka shitte mo nakanaori
✦ XY song - Candy Girl
Lyrics + translation
This one is not an "official pokemon song", instead just a song that was featured in the same album that released Dori Dori, but it has been adopted into the fandom as a Serena song. Specifically an SerenaxAsh song.
Then why am I including this here? Cause a lot of the phrases in this song are almost indentical to phrases sung by Dawn herself in High Touch!
CG: Tokidoki kenka mo shiteThose two that once again talk about how the people in the songs fight but make up afterwards.
Nakanaori wa zettai, yoHT: Kenka naka naori kenka mata kenka
CG: kimi no koto woAnd those two, where in High Touch Dawn talks about being protected and in Candy Girl the singer talks about protecting the other one; which once again matches High Touch perfectly, cause immediately after that we have Ash singing about being saved!
Oh, Oh, mamotte agetaiHT: mamotte kureru yo
✦ SM song - Mirai Connection
Lyrics + translation on Bulbapedia
Another one that I gotta reiterate that I have reading comprehension and say that I know it is about Ash and Poipole's relationship!!
But...... We got another Hikari name drop "差し込んだ光" (The light beaming throught) and the excerpt:
未来コネクション つまずいても大丈夫さhas yet another "Daijobu" on the end of the first part and how the chorus part "If we join hands" could be yet another mention of their high five.
手を繋げば ほらキラキラ輝くFuture connection, it's alright if you stumble and fall
If we join our hands, look at how brilliantly you shine
And to top all that, the final line of this song is "太陽みたいな キミが大好きだ" (Bright like the sun, I love you) and you know what is bright like the sun? That's rigth, Light!
Hints in promotional material such as posters, opening and ending sequences.
Openings and Endings
Other than the songs used for openings and endings, the sequences would also sometimes contain visuals that could be hinting at something more.
✦ High Touch
Despite being the one with the song they sing together, it is pretty chill with their interactions in it. The most we have is a sequence where Dawn pushes Ash and he gives her a thumbs up and some high fives.

✦ Kimi no soba de
This one is about Dawn, so as expected there's not many sequences focused on anyone else. However is interesting to notice that in the few slideshows from the beggining (very 2000s too, love how ugly it looks today), there's 2 pictures with a zoom-in of Pikachu's ear and of Ash's hat. All that while Piplup is nowhere to be seen in the sequence.

✦ Kaze no message
Now this one is interesting!
At the 29 seconds mark, after we get a sequence of Ash with Pikachu being showered by cherry blossom petals (which could be read as a reference to Dawn in its pink color, but I'm not reaching that far), we get this sequence:

And is interesting that the light staircase visual was used like this, because back in the second Johto OP, Aim to be a Pokemon Master (Whiteberry version), there's a sequence with Ash climbing a light staircase exactly like this one!

Oh, and immediately after that we get Ash dressed in the cheering outftit that sadly he never used in the actual anime; followed by Dawn in her own cheerleader outfit.
Promotional art
Some of the promotional art for movies and song albums would often feature Ash and Dawn with Brock missing. Below are some of those promotional art.

Domino's pizza ad
This one is not super special but caused a stir on the pearl fandom back in the 2000s so is worth a mention. During an Ad for the pizza franchise Dominos, we have an animated sequence where Ash and Dawn pose to the camera. At first glance it looks like Ash even has his hand on Dawn's waist but as it can be seen in the following frame by frame, Ash's animation seem to be a re-used one that is used even in the anime eyecatches.

Only Dawn's animation seems new to the AD so is safe to assume that there was no intention for the sequence to be read as romantic. It just shows Ash and Dawn because they're the protagonists of DP.
This story is about a boy, Satoshi andHowever, for all of DP, this text was changed to actually include Dawn's japanese name. Changing it from "The story of Satoshi and Pokemon" to "The story of Satoshi and Hikari". This was never done again.
Pocket Monsters, and
Their friendship, adventures and meetings
✦ Project Pochama
When the DP remakes and Legends Arceus got announced, Pokemon Company also created something called Project Pochama, which was the continuation of Project Eevee (created to promote the Let's Go games) and a precursor for Project Kabigon (to promote Pokemon Sleep), which pretty much elevated Piplup to mascot status for the fanchise.
This is one of the things that came out of it lol
But some fun stuff that came off it that adds to Pearlshipping is the fact that a lot of merchandise that came from it or just after Project Pochama seems to give a special focus on Pikachu and Pochama as a duo.

Which is interesting cause you would think Eevee would have preference but Piplup really earned his spot as "Pikachu's partner".
Sinnoh Jumpscare
Little things that don't really add to Ash and Dawn's relationship but that do connect to Sinnoh or Gen 4 and that alone makes me giddy.
✦ Sorrel and Verity
Sorrel and Verity are characters that appeared in the 20th Pokemon Movie - I choose you! The funny thing about those characters is that, despite the movie being a celebration of 20 years of Pokemon (specifically of the release of Red&Blue games), those two characters are from Sinnoh!! With Verity being from Twinleaf (like Dawn!) and Sorrel being from Veilstone (like Paul!!).
Not only that, but Verity shares a starter with Dawn and Sorrel has a Lucario (like Ash). And then there's the fact the ending song for that Movie is Oracion, a song connected with Movie10 and even the nightmare Ash had in this movie is seemingly based off an scratched idea of a nightmare that he was supposed to have in the Movie10 too!
That's a lot of Sinnoh!
✦ Dia
Dia is a character that appeared in the SM100-101 (Battling the Beast Within! - Parallel Friendships!). He is from an alternate universe and his younger self is based off Red.
His connection to Red and by consequence Ash, and his name being short for Diamond (as in, Diamond & Pearl) is interesting. So many names to choose from for this Ash foil and they went with a name that always makes me think of Sinnoh.
✦ A ripple in time
A lil short video meant to promote a collab between Pokemon and Daniel Arsham (dont ask, I dont know). The video uses Ash's original design, features Brock and Misty and plenty of the Kanto-Johto characters and is very much meant to be a Gen 1-2 nostalgia thing.
And yet..... Cynthia of all people is there!
✦ Aura
In the special episode Distant Blue Sky!, that takes place in perhaps the same universe as the AU movies (I'm not sure), with an Ash that seems to closely follow Takeshi Shudo's original ideas for the anime, we still have that Ash using aura! A concept originally introduced in the DP games.
In short, is funny to me how the anime tried to time and time again to push Ash back into Kanto one way or another and everytime they couldn't keep Sinnoh too far from him.

The Diamond & Pearl manga is a manga set in what could be considered an AU ot the main anime. In this manga, Brock is nowhere to be seen and there's no mentions of contests whatsoever, with Dawn being turned into a trainer. Therefore the manga doesn't tell us much about Ash and Dawn actual dynamics, but for this one, the writers don't shy away from some more romantic moments between Ash and Dawn so if you just want some Pearl headcanon ideas, it's the perfect source for that!
You can read the two manga books below or go here for full quality plus the raw scans in japanese!
Translation by me (I am not a japanese speaker so pardon any mistakes).
1st Book
2nd Book