Daijobu catalogue ❐  - 
A highly extensive catalogue of everytime Ash (Satoshi in japanese), used Dawn (Hikari)'s catchphrase, "Daijobu", in the original Japanese anime.

[!] Before DP, it was more common for Satoshi to use "Henki" in place of Daijobu. It's only after DP that Daijobu becomes a very recurrent phrase in his vocabulary. So that's why is very interesting to me to notice when he uses Daijobu post DP.


Daijobus used in the "daijobuka?" or "daijobu desuka?" question, with normal speech or similar will not be considered a direct Hikari reference but likely just generic usage of the phrase since that's still a very common thing in japanese. Those will be tagged with 1 (one) sparkle: [✦]

"DAI-jobu" - said with a emphasis on the first syllabe and as a full phrase. I think this one is not a direct reference to Hikari, but it's very consistently used in moments Hikari would also use Daijobu. Those will be tagged with 2 sparkles: [✦✦]

"Daijobu Daijobu"- Direct Hikari reference. Specially when used in a scene where Satoshi is obviously "not okay." Tagged with 3 sparkles: [✦✦✦]

"DAI-JO-BU!" - Daijobu but said with pauses between each syllabe. A direct reference to how Hikari said it in DP. 4 sparkles for this one: [✦✦✦✦]

"Daijobanai" - I don't think it was honestly ever used by Satoshi, but if it was, then it's very likely a Hikari reference as well since she always makes an effort for her friends to use that instead of "Daijobu janai". 5 sparkles for this one: [✦✦✦✦✦]

Daijobu in BW

BW013 - Chillarmy is a Neat Freak!? [✦✦✦]

At the end of the episode, after getting his badge case, falling from the tree where the stolen items were and getting hit by the pan right on the head, Pikachu calls for Satoshi, and his reply is Hikari's double Daijobu!

BW032 - Gamagaru, Maggyo! Battle on the Waterfront!! [✦✦]

When Mijumaru/Oshawott seems afraid of training and diving into the water, Satoshi says "DAI-jobu!" to reassure Mijumaru that he will be fine.
(he uses Daijobu once again not soon after, so it's likely that none of those are a Hikari reference but is still worth noting)

BW068 - Fukiyose Gym! VS Huuro, A Decisive Air Battle!! [✦✦✦]

When explaining he had choosen his team against Huuro/Skyla on a whim, Satoshi uses the Double Daijobu to assure Cilan/Dento that he can win the gym battle (even thought he has no strategy ready so.. a daijobanai scenario).

BW082 - Movie Showdown! Sortie, Isshu Defense Group!![✦]

After saving Meloetta from being his by some planks, Pikachu is worried about Satoshi, to which he replies "Daijobu da". Is nothing really that remarkable but the fact Meloetta and Hikari even have their arcs connected, it sure is an interesting choice.

BW096 - Meloetta and the Undersea Temple! [✦]

While they're all trapped inside Team Rocket's ship, Satoshi assures Meloetta that they're going to take her to safety. Again, not super special but Meloetta-Shirona-Hikari feel relevant to one another in BW.

BW102 -Team Eievui, Move Out! Pokémon Rescue Team!! [✦]

When they find a rock block in a mountain, Satoshi and Iris decide to climb it (geniuses) while he exclaims a Daijobu. Before him and Iris fall from the mountain. Classical daijobanai moment.
Satoshi uses Daijobu again later in the episode, but is not nearly as remarkable so I'm doubting if any used this episode was intentional at all.

BW special - Dent and Takeshi! Gyarados's Imperial Rage!! [✦]

Satoshi is not here but Takeshi is, so I wanna pretend the Daijobus he says here is a reference to Hikari too QwQ

Daijobu in XY

XY011 - Pursuit in the Bamboo Forest! Yancham and Goronda!! [✦]

When looking for a leaf replacement for Goronda, Satoshi offers to climb a rock wall and when Citron (Clemont) warns that that's dangerous, he says "Daijobu dayo" and then fails immediately after, making it a daijobanai scenery. However Satoshi uses daijobu not long before in the same episode and it's a very normal one so I doubt this one is a Hikari reference.

XY018 - Wake Up Kabigon! Battle in Parfum Palace! [✦]

When a townswoman worries about Satoshi offering to go fetch the local Lord, he says a "Daijobu!" to reassure her. However I don't think it is that special of a case.

XY040 - Serena VS Sana! Pokévision Showdown!! [✦✦]

Once they discover he twisted his ankle, Serena blames herself and Satoshi tries to comforts her with a "Daijobu", and once again when the Lumiose siblings ask if they're ok. All while he can't even get up. Typical daijobanai scenario.
And then he repeats it when Platane (Sycamore) comes to rescue them.
(and since I don't think is worth making another entry just for that, he uses Daijobu again when Serena wonders about his feet the following episode)

XY042 - Team Battle! Competing for the Hall of Fame!! [✦✦✦]

At the very end of the episode when Serena comments about his dance moves being clumsy, Satoshi says a double Daijobu with tons of confidence (which is VERY Hikari like), even thought he gives up Tierno's techniques later (aka, another daijobanai scenario).

XY043 - Master Tower! The History of Mega Evolution!! [✦]

When Citron and Serena worry if he will do fine against Corni despite not doing well with the dance training from Tierno, Satoshi assures them he will be fine with a "Daijobu datte".
(is also funny to notice in this same ep we have him and Corni high five later)

XY051 - Luchabull and Dark Luchabull! [✦]

There's other uses of daijobu in this episode, but the one of interest is the one Satoshi says right before the play, where he tells Pikachu specifically that Luchabull (Hawlucha) is gonna be ok and Pikachu reaction screams "Daijobanai" lol

XY055 - The Weakest Dragon!? Numera Appears!! [✦✦]

Could've been just a normal usage of Daijobu since he usedit 3 other times in the same episode, but the one Satoshi says right before he goes down a ravine in high speed and gets himself soaked, may very likely be a reference to Hikari.
(also, is funny to notice that in this same episode we have an Ariados attack Numera and another instance where Numera uses Bide. Two thinks that also happened to Pochama/Piplup in Hikari's debut episode :3c)

XY058 - Hiyoku Gym Battle! Gekogashira VS Gogoat!! [✦]

Ok, this is a funny example cause I'm pretty sure the one who does the Daijobu here is Pikachu actually?
So, Satoshi is being dramatic thinking about the prospect of losing again and Pikachu calls him and says "Pika! Pikapi.. pikapika.. PIKA-CHU!" and if you're insane like me you know that when Pikachu uses a "PIKA-CHU!" is usually his way of saying "Daijobu!"; so having that and Satoshi immediately repeating it to Gekogashira (Frogadier) afterwards is very interesting.

XY115 - Serena Becomes Satoshi! The Strongest Pikachu Showdown!! [✦✦✦]

In the very beggining, when Satoshi is training with his pokemon, Serena worries about him catching a cold, to which he replies "Daijobu, daijobu". Only to sneeze immediately after. If only someone was there to reply "Daijobanai".

XY121 - The Bewildering Woods... The Dawn of Evolution! [✦]

When he is leaving to get frostbite be alone and think of how he had been acting, everyone wonders if he will be fine since it's snowing and it's late at night; and he explains that he wants to be alone and says a single "Daijobu" before explaining he will be back soon and apologizing to Pikachu.
(also the whole vibes of this episode are very similar to DP133 so maybe he is indeed missing someone to tell him "daijobu")

More coming soong